Friday 5 July 2024, 21:00, at PAROS PARK

Tribute concert to Vangelis Papathanassiou with Loudovikos ton Anogeion and his musicians

With the participation of the choir of Mythodia Conservatory under the direction of Maroulia Kontou

Organised by the non-profit organisation “Paros Ancient Marble Quarries Park”, with the support of the Municipality of Paros and Paros Park

Admission 15 euro – All proceeds will go to projects for the protection and promotion of the Ancient Quarries

Advance ticket sale: “Anagennisis” bookshop (Parikia), “Tantanis” shop (Naousa), “Nikitas” patisserie (Marpissa)


Since 2022, the non-profit organisation “Paros Ancient Marble Quarries Park” has promoted a wide range of actions for the protection and promotion of the Ancient Quarries. On 8.6.2024 it presented its activities and plans to the representatives of the local society of Paros – HERE. An immediate priority is to secure the amount of 20,000 euro required for the implementation of the acquisition agreement of the site which contains the entrances to the famous Nymphs’ quarry. All those interested in the future of the Ancient Quarries are invited to contribute even a small amount. Donations to the non-profit organisation’s bank account – HERE.


Loudovikos Concert