The prizes of the photography contest on the theme of the Ancient Quarries were announced at the General Assembly of the non-profit organisation “Paros Ancient Marble Quarries Park, AMKE” (8.6.2024) in the presence of the Mayor of Paros, Mr  K. Bizas and the Eparchos of Paros-Antiparos, Mr V. Petropoulos.

The 20 photos that the contestants entered in the competition – see a selection below – were displayed including the two photos that were selected by the jury of the competition for the 1st and 2nd prizes.

The prizes were offered by the Friends of Paros and Antiparos and were presented by the President of FoPA Yorgos Vlandas.

The 1st prize (250 euro) was awarded to Christina Zafeirakopoulou – see below.

The winner of the 2nd prize (150 euro) was Giorgos Kavallis (“Stoa Panos me Figura”) – see below.

The board of AMKE congratulates the winners and all other photographers who participated in the competion, and thanks the jury and especially Stavros Niflis who coordinated the prize selection process and kindly printed out the photos.

A public exhibition of the the photographiew of this competition and an event on the Ancient Quarries are planned for provisionally for 12/13 October 2024 in the FLUXUS Theatre, Parikia.

Photo Contest

1st prize, awarded to Christina Zafeirakopoulou (photo above)

Photo Contest

2nd prize, awarded to Giorgos Kavallis (photo above)

A selection of other photographs entered in the competition (below)